In the previous post, we covered downloading/pulling data using Requests. We downloaded and manipulated data from HTML web pages as well as API’s. Posting data is what will be covered here. We will be submitting data as if it were from an HTML form. We will also be posting data in JSON format in the form of a payload.

The examples covered below will be using, which is an HTTP request & response service. This site has some nice features with one of them being that it will return the data you originally posted in the response. This can make debugging easier.

Posting Form Data

If you have not installed requests already, it can be done easily using pip.

pip install requests

Next, we can create a new Python script to import requests and setup a variable for our target URL. We will also be using a dictionary to post form data.

import requests

url = ''
data = {'user':''}

Now, we’re ready to use requests to post the user data to our target URL:

import requests

url = ''
data = {'user':''}

response =, data=data)

print(response)  # <Response [200]>

Notice that our response variable is a Response object. To be able to use this data, we need to apply a method or a property. We will apply the text property in the next example. The text property will give us all the response data as a single string:

import requests

url = ''
data = {'user':''}

# as form data
response =, data=data)
print(response)  # <Response [200]>

result = response.text

print(type(result))  # <class 'str'>

Printed results below:

Requests form post response Since this is merely a string ( kindly returns a pretty-printed version with all the spacing), it’s difficult to make use of this data. However, as covered in the previous post, Requests has a built-in JSON decoder that we can use:

import requests
from pprint import pprint

url = ''
data = {'user':''}

# as form data
response =, data=data)
print(response)  # <Response [200]>

result = response.json()

print(type(result))  # <class 'dict'>

Our output to the terminal window will look similar (we used pprint to pretty-print our dictionary data to help make it readable). The important difference is that we have dictionary variable in which we can work with to access our data:


print(result['form'])  # {'user': ''}

Posting a JSON Payload

Sending a POST request using a JSON payload is different from sending form data. Form data is sent using a series of key-value pairs. Alternatively, a payload consists of sending everything in one, single chunk of data. Here is a quick breakdown of the differences between sending form data versus a JSON payload:

Form Data:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

JSON Payload:

Content-Type: application/json


Notice that there is also a change to the Content-Type in the header. If we have our Python script setup the same way, except that we’re switching to a JSON Payload, we will need to convert our data into JSON. For this, we can use the built-in json Python library:

import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint

url = ''
data = {'user':''}

# as payload
response =, data=json.dumps(data))

result = response.json()

The data we intend to post is a dictionary. By using the json.dumps method, we can convert the dictionary into a JSON-formatted string to post as a payload. Also, as we did previously, we can apply the Requests JSON-decoder to convert our response info to a dictionary.

Previously, it was mentioned that it’s common to set the Content-Type in the header. We can setup a dictionary variable with our custom headers. We will do that by setting Content-Type to application/json:


url = ''
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    # additional headers here

data = {'key':'value'}

# as payload
response =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)

# headers that were originally sent

With this added, you should be able to verify that this header was set because will return it back with the result. Alternatively, we can also access the original headers sent from the response.request.headers variable.

Working with Request Sessions

Eventually, you will run into situations where you must persist a user session. Let’s say you first have to log in/authenticate, which sets a browser cookie that must be sent with each subsequent request.

Using httpbin once again, we will save a cookie and then try to retrieve it. Consider the following:

import requests

# loading this URL will set a cookie
res = requests.get('')
print('res: {}'.format(res.text))

# No cookie data found!
res = requests.get('')
print('res: {}'.format(res.text))
# Outputs:
# res: {
#   "cookies": {}
# }

In the example above, each subsequent request is starting a new session. We can get around this dilemma by using a Session object. We will use a context manager that will enclose all the HTTP requests made within our session:

import requests

with requests.Session() as s:
    res = s.get('')
    print('res: {}'.format(res.text))

    res = s.get('')
    print('res: {}'.format(res.text))
    # Outputs
    # res: {
    #   "cookies": {
    #     "abc": "123"
    #   }
    # }
    print(s.cookies)  # <RequestsCookieJar[<Cookie abc=123 for>]>
    print('actual cookies: {}'.format(s.cookies.get_dict()))  # actual cookies: {'abc': '123'}

Similar to the previous attempt, we’re setting cookie “abc” with the value of “123”. Since we’re using the same session to get our cookies, the data will be returned to us. Note that httpbin returns the cookie info in the response. To get the actual cookies, there is a RequestsCookieJar attached to the session. Using this, we can call the get_dict method to get our cookies in a dictionary format.

Setting a requests session is necessary when you need to make multiple requests. And, each subsequent request will require persisting data, such as a session cookie.

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